For the first time in two and half years of engineering course in this university I found myself doing something which is expected out of a software engineer, yes, programming! It was this Monday afternoon at 2 o clock when I was attending my OS (Operating System) practical class with a new, strict and scary instructor. He already takes one course for our batch and due to certain student – administration talks he has been gifted with a total of two subjects which give him the power of controlling 9 credits in his hands. (Sob sob...)
It was our first lab session under him this week and as expected he came up with a complex question for us to implement on our systems using C++ programming language. Before the class I had already asked one of my friends who happens to be an 8 pointer (cgpa) to save a seat for me beside him (He happens to be my new study friend). I was full confident that I would be able to complete the task in time allotted with his help. The teacher signalled us to exploit our brain muscles in order to carry out the practical and that very moment I experienced the shocking words from my friend ,”Tujhe question samaj aaya?” (Did you understand the question?). “What a lucky luck I am born with” was the sarcasm filled phrase haunting me (I know I am exaggerating).
The virtual me started looking for Help, not from peer group you ignorant readers, it’s an option available in the C++ Menu Bar to learn about various commands and syntaxes. Step by step the code was getting developed by none other than Agent: 061297 (yippee...what a feeling!). With a little help from a person sitting behind me the code was almost complete. The instructor came to check my progress and my stupid terminal hanged that instant. Didn’t know he gave terror vibes to non living machines as well. Anyways, I explained him my algorithm and the error the system gave all of a sudden. He went away declaring he would come back to check my output. (Sure mister! You think I am dumb? You need to come back to edit your perception about me :P). The two hour long practical was over in no time. My brain was totally on work for the first time in this lab session. Though I was not able to complete the task, but the experience of studying under this new teacher with the terror of grades in mind made me toil with ease.
I realized that I had forgot to push my limits (did I push myself ever?) and see beyond the comfort boundary. To make this sound geeky and more computer oriented I would say I need to see beyond cut-off point that I have defined for myself in short... See ...Plus...Plus (if u get the pun)