Finally I come back with a new post after really long…..guys its tough to find a topic to write on with enough understandable content.
In case u noticed I changed the URL of my blog to from the never ending ultimatetympassedition.blogspot…phew! Hope the change brings good fortune if nothing else. Without wasting any more space and time let me get to the abstract heading of this post!
Toughest task for a person on this planet (probably more of my age presently) would be completion of homework on time, getting the orders ready, enrolling into prestigious institutes, impressing people around (you can count your parents too!), learning new language and the list goes on depending from one person to the other. It’s tough yet easily possible to get hold on these tasks in our lives by time management skills and other often heard words from the planner gurus around us.
It’s just tough to prepare ourselves to stick to the routine so as to achieve the target otherwise the first, the last and the steps in between are all decided and just need to be explored. Now you are allowed to ask …..What’s the “other way round” of this post?
It’s the simple tasks and questions which have full capability to put you in dilemma. (Unless you are Mr. /Miss Perfect whose life both professional and personal is well planned from the day you opened eyes on this planet or life has given you enough solid experiences to know your inner and outer self more than you are probably required to).
Your strengths, weaknesses, assets, hobbies, motivators, idol, qualities…such things we have been filling since our 5th grades in many slam books without getting into the real meaning of each term. Now today when a person twice our age asks the same question we just can’t fool around or beat about the bush to answer. Such simple questions encountered make us feel like Ishaan of the movie Taare Zameen Par who found himself tangled with 2+2 and 3*9.
Remedy: Introspection and follow the heart (That’s what many high profile and well established humans around us say …Yes I am just passing on the message)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Reality Check in Virtual View
Yesterday one my senior friends came to college to get some of his work done. This person was a jovial character of the group, well built, good looking; he had all the correct ingredients that make a person popular among girls and the rest in my college. The not so serious guy came as a surprising solemner all transformed in just about 5 months. Me and my friend spoke with him, strolled on the mall road (the long stretch of road in my college) and heard the harsh facts of the tough life which we have to experience after passing out of the university.
The words of wisdom coming from him were not new but... The raising of curtain from the fantasy world we are living in from him with his first hand experience pounded heavy upon us. The 24*7 time with friends during graduation which has become a routine now will disappear in near future. Till now we follow the schedule setup by the administration and live by that (at least try to!) but after this, milestones have to be decided by us which will take our life in the direction we want to. These decisions won’t be easy and to put it in the words of Neil Armstrong (modified)it would be, “A small step for me and a giant leap for my career”. My inner voice spoke ‘enjoy the time we have in the fantasy world’. This summer my cousins, settled well in their professional and personal lives, lectured me not to join any computer course for killing time. They told me to sit back and enjoy to the fullest. It’s now that I realized what they meant.
But the tick of the clock doesn’t stop and hence I need to stay regular with my work be it academics or blogging! The fantasy world has given me a reality check and the best part is, am still in the guarded environment. So as of now I can let my heart enjoy and let my brain do it's work independently. Till then I can wait and see what the future holds for me!
The words of wisdom coming from him were not new but... The raising of curtain from the fantasy world we are living in from him with his first hand experience pounded heavy upon us. The 24*7 time with friends during graduation which has become a routine now will disappear in near future. Till now we follow the schedule setup by the administration and live by that (at least try to!) but after this, milestones have to be decided by us which will take our life in the direction we want to. These decisions won’t be easy and to put it in the words of Neil Armstrong (modified)it would be, “A small step for me and a giant leap for my career”. My inner voice spoke ‘enjoy the time we have in the fantasy world’. This summer my cousins, settled well in their professional and personal lives, lectured me not to join any computer course for killing time. They told me to sit back and enjoy to the fullest. It’s now that I realized what they meant.
But the tick of the clock doesn’t stop and hence I need to stay regular with my work be it academics or blogging! The fantasy world has given me a reality check and the best part is, am still in the guarded environment. So as of now I can let my heart enjoy and let my brain do it's work independently. Till then I can wait and see what the future holds for me!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I am finally at home after July 17, 2008 for a 10 day long vacation to relax and rejuvenate myself after my Test II which went for 3 days. Seriously 3rd year of engineering is the one where all start gearing up and it becomes tough to pace up with the race. Aright agreed the initial lines of this post don’t match with the title but what’s the harm if I give you a feeler of the background?
The disease of feeling homesick carries with itself various side effects (as observed by me – in me specially) namely mood swings, lack of efficiency, decreasing level of concentration, the "m in no mood" behavior etc. Since I don’t come from a medical or a counseling behavior and am currently pursuing a logical course I would like to deal with the Why of this disease.
This thought came in my mind when I saw one side of my personality (again) yesterday doing activities I don’t do back in my hostel. Remaining careless, draped in the most comfy attire (even if it is not my size), walking on the street near my house with loud music in my ears (obviously not disturbing the public around me…yes I have manners too!). Acting and reacting without any calculated second thoughts after long was an easy job at hand which made me “Feel at Home” in real sense. The half of real me which was hidden once outside my home was allowed to live again. This was the cause of homesick for the people living away from home. I know many of you readers will differ from this explanation but please read on for the justification.
For those who feel homesick because of reasons like missing parents, siblings, friends and even your room then kindly analyze the above paragraph. When not at home you are deprived of your belongings, be it your near and dear ones or your materialistic stuff. One side of your personality is not able react in the manner it is used to. Chatting over necessary and unnecessary topics, fighting, eating your favorite brownies, sleeping for endless hours….whatever may be your daily activity for one part of your brain and heart, you are depriving your body of that. And my dear, reader once a particular ingredient is missing then even the best dishes in the world taste bland.
No need of writing this sentence, but this is all what counts as the main cause for the disease better termed as homesick by many of us.
The disease of feeling homesick carries with itself various side effects (as observed by me – in me specially) namely mood swings, lack of efficiency, decreasing level of concentration, the "m in no mood" behavior etc. Since I don’t come from a medical or a counseling behavior and am currently pursuing a logical course I would like to deal with the Why of this disease.
This thought came in my mind when I saw one side of my personality (again) yesterday doing activities I don’t do back in my hostel. Remaining careless, draped in the most comfy attire (even if it is not my size), walking on the street near my house with loud music in my ears (obviously not disturbing the public around me…yes I have manners too!). Acting and reacting without any calculated second thoughts after long was an easy job at hand which made me “Feel at Home” in real sense. The half of real me which was hidden once outside my home was allowed to live again. This was the cause of homesick for the people living away from home. I know many of you readers will differ from this explanation but please read on for the justification.
For those who feel homesick because of reasons like missing parents, siblings, friends and even your room then kindly analyze the above paragraph. When not at home you are deprived of your belongings, be it your near and dear ones or your materialistic stuff. One side of your personality is not able react in the manner it is used to. Chatting over necessary and unnecessary topics, fighting, eating your favorite brownies, sleeping for endless hours….whatever may be your daily activity for one part of your brain and heart, you are depriving your body of that. And my dear, reader once a particular ingredient is missing then even the best dishes in the world taste bland.
No need of writing this sentence, but this is all what counts as the main cause for the disease better termed as homesick by many of us.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

For the first time in two and half years of engineering course in this university I found myself doing something which is expected out of a software engineer, yes, programming! It was this Monday afternoon at 2 o clock when I was attending my OS (Operating System) practical class with a new, strict and scary instructor. He already takes one course for our batch and due to certain student – administration talks he has been gifted with a total of two subjects which give him the power of controlling 9 credits in his hands. (Sob sob...)
It was our first lab session under him this week and as expected he came up with a complex question for us to implement on our systems using C++ programming language. Before the class I had already asked one of my friends who happens to be an 8 pointer (cgpa) to save a seat for me beside him (He happens to be my new study friend). I was full confident that I would be able to complete the task in time allotted with his help. The teacher signalled us to exploit our brain muscles in order to carry out the practical and that very moment I experienced the shocking words from my friend ,”Tujhe question samaj aaya?” (Did you understand the question?). “What a lucky luck I am born with” was the sarcasm filled phrase haunting me (I know I am exaggerating).
The virtual me started looking for Help, not from peer group you ignorant readers, it’s an option available in the C++ Menu Bar to learn about various commands and syntaxes. Step by step the code was getting developed by none other than Agent: 061297 (yippee...what a feeling!). With a little help from a person sitting behind me the code was almost complete. The instructor came to check my progress and my stupid terminal hanged that instant. Didn’t know he gave terror vibes to non living machines as well. Anyways, I explained him my algorithm and the error the system gave all of a sudden. He went away declaring he would come back to check my output. (Sure mister! You think I am dumb? You need to come back to edit your perception about me :P). The two hour long practical was over in no time. My brain was totally on work for the first time in this lab session. Though I was not able to complete the task, but the experience of studying under this new teacher with the terror of grades in mind made me toil with ease.
I realized that I had forgot to push my limits (did I push myself ever?) and see beyond the comfort boundary. To make this sound geeky and more computer oriented I would say I need to see beyond cut-off point that I have defined for myself in short... See ...Plus...Plus (if u get the pun)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ultimate Tym Pass-truly
It’s been quite some time now for me to pen down, rather, type down my thoughts as a post in this blog. Due to lack of topic to discuss I have decided to scribble some text to satisfy the URL of this blog-“Ultimate Tym Pass Edition”. To create illusion of effective space coverage the post has been written in the form of questions and answers. So read on if you need to kill time, for there’s nothing interesting to open your mind and brains and concentrate any further.
Q. Latest movies that I saw
Rock On!!!, Wall-E, A Wednesday
Q. Lesson experienced and learnt this semester
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
Q. Latest addictions
Gtalk (it’s come a long way), Timbaland Music, Blogging (on its way)
Q. Latest Software I am using
Google Crome
Q. Last Book read
The Secret
Q. Favourite colour
Dark Green
Q. Colour I hate the most
Flashy Red
Q. Best time pass in lectures
Playing Name Place Animal Thing and Bollywood- Hollywood
Q. New word to add in my vocabulary today
Q. Chat game played most frequently (can see the Gtalk addiction)
Rapid Fire
Q. My favourite teachers
Anurag Bhaiya, Sushoban Panda, Romi Sharma, Shalini Singh, Tiwari Sir....
Q. My Haircut
I like to keep it short (shows am falling short of questions too)
Q. Decision for which I repent the most
Change of school after 10th
Q. Decision I appreciate the most
Change of school after 10th
Q. Singer I can’t tolerate
Altaf Raja
Q. Thing I want from a long time
Q. My best vacation
Sikkim and Darjeeling
Q. I am afraid of
Water, Ghosts, dark (’s a secret!)
Q. Subject I hate the most
My brain mentally gives a stop signal whenever numbers exceed limits or words like mathematics come into picture. So I guess if you are intelligent enough then by now it should be clear that this good for nothing post is on its end. If you have more free time to kill then I don’t mind you reading this post in a loop else you are free to leave.
Rest in next
Q. Latest movies that I saw
Rock On!!!, Wall-E, A Wednesday
Q. Lesson experienced and learnt this semester
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
Q. Latest addictions
Gtalk (it’s come a long way), Timbaland Music, Blogging (on its way)
Q. Latest Software I am using
Google Crome
Q. Last Book read
The Secret
Q. Favourite colour
Dark Green
Q. Colour I hate the most
Flashy Red
Q. Best time pass in lectures
Playing Name Place Animal Thing and Bollywood- Hollywood
Q. New word to add in my vocabulary today
Q. Chat game played most frequently (can see the Gtalk addiction)
Rapid Fire
Q. My favourite teachers
Anurag Bhaiya, Sushoban Panda, Romi Sharma, Shalini Singh, Tiwari Sir....
Q. My Haircut
I like to keep it short (shows am falling short of questions too)
Q. Decision for which I repent the most
Change of school after 10th
Q. Decision I appreciate the most
Change of school after 10th
Q. Singer I can’t tolerate
Altaf Raja
Q. Thing I want from a long time
Q. My best vacation
Sikkim and Darjeeling
Q. I am afraid of
Water, Ghosts, dark (’s a secret!)
Q. Subject I hate the most
My brain mentally gives a stop signal whenever numbers exceed limits or words like mathematics come into picture. So I guess if you are intelligent enough then by now it should be clear that this good for nothing post is on its end. If you have more free time to kill then I don’t mind you reading this post in a loop else you are free to leave.
Rest in next
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

After 3 days of tests we had 3 days off to relax, so I decided to spend some time reading a book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. The 186 pages thick secret is best suited for me, a person, who is always ready to read a book with less text on glossy sheets. So “The Secret” deals with “laws of attraction” as they have termed it. For all the depressed souls, the book tells how to motivate oneself and get onto the right track and for the already happy ones “The Secret” proves it’s method better and even if they are the same methods it goes out of its way to prove it logically using Quantum Physics!
To achieve your defined goals the book talks about 3 simple steps....
1. Believe
2. Show Attitude of Gratitude
3. Imagine from the beginning that you have what you want
To satisfy the scientific readers: Human beings are considered to be the transmission towers emitting frequencies of thoughts and then the entire universe conspires to transform these thoughts into realities, condition being that the thought has to be powerful enough. So one needs to believe the positive side of the thought and learn to show the attitude of gratitude by thanking everyone for little acts. After these steps one needs to understand that the universe is a genie and will certainly go according to the “Your wish is my command” principle.
For non scientific readers: The universe is said to be made up of energy. Energy is defined as one which is neither created nor destroyed, and has been existing since the beginning which only transforms it's state from one form to another. The author very creatively defines God in similar, rather exact same words to satisfy the non technical crowd (to help the book sell many copies obviously!)
Now the doubt arises in the 3rd step. If one starts imagining that the goal has been achieved before it actually happens and starts behaving like a winner then what’s the use of following the instructions mentioned?(Are they trying to preach the good old saying: "ignorance is bliss"?)
At one place the book asks the reader to open the book randomly whenever in a fix and read the lines on that page. This would help the reader to get the solution for his problem. Doesn’t this show that the book is full of the same repetitive text on every page?
The book again wittily takes no responsibility if its mentioned steps don’t work for the readers. It asks the readers of this category to switch over to something else if the steps mentioned don’t make them feel good about their surroundings and figure out a different course to attain their targets.
The book has different chapters dealing with different spheres of one’s life including health, wealth, relationships etc. It refers to its official website for further information required by the people influenced by this book. The gist of the book has been written in 500 words in this post,but you need to shell out 550 INR to read between the lines.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cricket: More than a game for India
It was the ego clash between 3rd year and some of the 4th year boys which triggered a batch revolt between them. Girls were forbidden to come outside the hostels (but obvious, that’s the way our society is), but cellular phones helped to keep us updated of what was going on outside. Random people were beating each other with rods and even pens for that matter; hence the authorities had to call the police and ambulance. Besides normal stitches here and there some were beaten to blood. Welcome to my college where we all aspire to become future IT professionals of India.
I again tried to be the spectator of the game to check out how people react.
Man of the match: Brigadier
He came, he saw, he conquered! The 5 hour battle came to a halt in 5 minutes. This man got the police to put fear in the minds of impulsive young crowd. He will be cursed for giving orders to wardens who force students to attend classes (Well it was supposed to be mass bunk in order to rebel) only because he doesn’t want the academic processes to be out of schedule.
Cricket Teams :(The actual Culprits)
They will walk on the road less travelled through the registrar’s office and grow stronger in their minds after witnessing the huge support they have from their colleagues. Creating a huge scene for an unnoticed minor act should be a lesson to be learnt by the radicals of our nation from these young men.
Extra players: (The ones who involved themselves for their friends.)
When a river starts, it has maximum velocity and makes it way through the hardest of rocks. Such behaviour was observed among several people who stood by their friends against the opposite team. They took and gave all they had in terms of strength and service. The wounded will gain sympathy from the ignorant friends and win popularity of all sorts from different sections of individuals.
Audience: (3rd year Girls!)
They have no say and will never be involved in the battle of any sort in this game but are an important part to sell news with the speed of light. Like fans show excitement, young women in hostels obey the mass bunk decision taken in the boy’s hostel (remember many of them are injured and would want an excuse to stay away from classes) to show team spirit and loyalty towards their friends. Now I can’t judge the Audience as I am not the spectator but a part of this crowd.
The whole affair will cool down and our university will get back to academic processes by lunch time today. Who won and who lost is for you to decide as the Umpire, are You!
I again tried to be the spectator of the game to check out how people react.
Man of the match: Brigadier
He came, he saw, he conquered! The 5 hour battle came to a halt in 5 minutes. This man got the police to put fear in the minds of impulsive young crowd. He will be cursed for giving orders to wardens who force students to attend classes (Well it was supposed to be mass bunk in order to rebel) only because he doesn’t want the academic processes to be out of schedule.
Cricket Teams :(The actual Culprits)
They will walk on the road less travelled through the registrar’s office and grow stronger in their minds after witnessing the huge support they have from their colleagues. Creating a huge scene for an unnoticed minor act should be a lesson to be learnt by the radicals of our nation from these young men.
Extra players: (The ones who involved themselves for their friends.)
When a river starts, it has maximum velocity and makes it way through the hardest of rocks. Such behaviour was observed among several people who stood by their friends against the opposite team. They took and gave all they had in terms of strength and service. The wounded will gain sympathy from the ignorant friends and win popularity of all sorts from different sections of individuals.
Audience: (3rd year Girls!)
They have no say and will never be involved in the battle of any sort in this game but are an important part to sell news with the speed of light. Like fans show excitement, young women in hostels obey the mass bunk decision taken in the boy’s hostel (remember many of them are injured and would want an excuse to stay away from classes) to show team spirit and loyalty towards their friends. Now I can’t judge the Audience as I am not the spectator but a part of this crowd.
The whole affair will cool down and our university will get back to academic processes by lunch time today. Who won and who lost is for you to decide as the Umpire, are You!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Petty Issues!
Many people around me have been witnessing some confusion with each other. Some are (perhaps) intelligent enough to let things not affect their different spheres of life because of these issues while others are just the opposite. I would refer to three people in this post who have been witnessing ups and downs lately
1. Person A:
Apparent: This guy has been always surrounded by his friends, or let me put it this way...same set of friends since prep school. The happy go lucky character in true sense believes to live life in the fast lane. He loves to enjoy the moment with tons of unpredictable fun.
Real and why: Since he was always with the same set of friends, he was never able to get the exposure to face the real world in which one actually should know how to deal with strangers and more importantly, your near and dear ones.
Problem: Can’t see friends going across the continent for long and was ignorant of how to deal with the first time misunderstanding with a friend.
2. Person B:
Apparent: Fun loving girl, very hard working and sensitive. Takes precautions at every step and loves her friends, loves to extra care about them. She tries to think from her brains but always falls for her heart.
Real and why: Apparent her is very much her real character.
Problem: Again, overprotected. Things affect her heart (the place where she thinks form) which in turn ruins her own mental health. This makes her curse the time and fate. We all know what we think eventually becomes a fake reality for us.
3. Person C:
Apparent: Here comes a female who I go up to when in doubts and she clears all my problems in no time. Sensible and mature girl who knows the lessons of life including all do’s and don’ts for both boys and girls.
Real: Here again she is no different from her apparent self.
Problem: Thinks more than the required amount over certain issues and gives importance to petty issues which will never have any sort of influence in her life.
The ways in which these three differ from me is just the difference in the way I perceive things. Sometimes I consider myself lucky to have a laid back attitude in which I let things go and be the way it is. On the contrary occasionally I also doubt myself if such an attitude is correct in life. There’s obviously no answer to this dilemma right now as I am not leading any ideal life like the saints. So I guess I should let things go the way they are going(smoothly ...for me now!)
I am sure that I will laugh over this post later in life when I will be old and comment “How silly of me to think too much about petty college issues.”
1. Person A:
Apparent: This guy has been always surrounded by his friends, or let me put it this way...same set of friends since prep school. The happy go lucky character in true sense believes to live life in the fast lane. He loves to enjoy the moment with tons of unpredictable fun.
Real and why: Since he was always with the same set of friends, he was never able to get the exposure to face the real world in which one actually should know how to deal with strangers and more importantly, your near and dear ones.
Problem: Can’t see friends going across the continent for long and was ignorant of how to deal with the first time misunderstanding with a friend.
2. Person B:
Apparent: Fun loving girl, very hard working and sensitive. Takes precautions at every step and loves her friends, loves to extra care about them. She tries to think from her brains but always falls for her heart.
Real and why: Apparent her is very much her real character.
Problem: Again, overprotected. Things affect her heart (the place where she thinks form) which in turn ruins her own mental health. This makes her curse the time and fate. We all know what we think eventually becomes a fake reality for us.
3. Person C:
Apparent: Here comes a female who I go up to when in doubts and she clears all my problems in no time. Sensible and mature girl who knows the lessons of life including all do’s and don’ts for both boys and girls.
Real: Here again she is no different from her apparent self.
Problem: Thinks more than the required amount over certain issues and gives importance to petty issues which will never have any sort of influence in her life.
The ways in which these three differ from me is just the difference in the way I perceive things. Sometimes I consider myself lucky to have a laid back attitude in which I let things go and be the way it is. On the contrary occasionally I also doubt myself if such an attitude is correct in life. There’s obviously no answer to this dilemma right now as I am not leading any ideal life like the saints. So I guess I should let things go the way they are going(smoothly ...for me now!)
I am sure that I will laugh over this post later in life when I will be old and comment “How silly of me to think too much about petty college issues.”
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
All planned ... yet unpredictable!
Today was my second day of 5th semester and I was attending my lecture on social and legal issues. Our teacher explained why we students pursuing a course in Computer science engineering were made to study a course like this. She said the course would help us widen our horizon on corporate laws and was helpful for those who wanted to go in for entrepreneurship in future. Immediately my dad and his business struck my mind. His business is going well and I hope it continues to do so. Thousands of thoughts started running in my mind and I began planning my future in father’s business after my graduation and perhaps an MBA degree. I cursed my decision for not opting mechanical engineering which would have helped me join him in his business later on.
These summer vacations I have seen my dad working extremely hard which made me think of how things will be “super cool” if I join his business instead of wasting my energy in some other company. Today hearing the word “entrepreneurship” my nervous system got excited and my heart signed a deal with my brain to finally follow what my random thoughts were trying to communicate.
I think that everything is planned up above by the superpowers. Our life is a jigsaw puzzle which we have to solve and once all pieces are arranged in their correct order the game ends. Not many people believe in stars influencing a person’s future but I do and hence would like to mention some facts someone told me once when I was in my 11th standard. He said that my career will be something related to iron. Those were the days when I used to dream about a career in photojournalism and hence immediately related iron with the tripod stand used to arrange a camera. But my life had to arrange itself according to the puzzle picture designed by Him and therefore got into a university which helped me decide to join my father’s business which revolves all around iron!
I have seen a lot of struggle in this business, limited profit and such facts make my brain to think over and over about this new thought, for this looks like a stupid dream to me right now. Again I would say this word “entrepreneurship” is like a new toy for a small kid. This word will make me explore it more in my life, till then I will wait, to check, if it fits well in the picture!
These summer vacations I have seen my dad working extremely hard which made me think of how things will be “super cool” if I join his business instead of wasting my energy in some other company. Today hearing the word “entrepreneurship” my nervous system got excited and my heart signed a deal with my brain to finally follow what my random thoughts were trying to communicate.
I think that everything is planned up above by the superpowers. Our life is a jigsaw puzzle which we have to solve and once all pieces are arranged in their correct order the game ends. Not many people believe in stars influencing a person’s future but I do and hence would like to mention some facts someone told me once when I was in my 11th standard. He said that my career will be something related to iron. Those were the days when I used to dream about a career in photojournalism and hence immediately related iron with the tripod stand used to arrange a camera. But my life had to arrange itself according to the puzzle picture designed by Him and therefore got into a university which helped me decide to join my father’s business which revolves all around iron!
I have seen a lot of struggle in this business, limited profit and such facts make my brain to think over and over about this new thought, for this looks like a stupid dream to me right now. Again I would say this word “entrepreneurship” is like a new toy for a small kid. This word will make me explore it more in my life, till then I will wait, to check, if it fits well in the picture!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It starts thing I dunno why!
Hm mm….so here comes my first post!
Well some …some??? actually many people have been trying their best to inculcate the habit of reading (especially newspapers!) in me. It again happened on 6th July 2008 when I was enjoying a family get together and like always dropped in the topic of how I have created a mess out of my life. My relative started a heavy conversation and asked me where I would like to see myself 5-10 years from now. Now that’s a nice question we all hear very often but I only had a smile to show him that I had no answer. He talked about his cousin who is smart, intelligent and a cool girl who is currently in Kolkatta doing something I do not remember ,and suggested me to start reading her blogs for they are light , funny, informative etc. which he thought would kick start my reading habit. That very instant I thought of starting my own blog to explore my own self rather than wasting time on reading what that girl writes. Now I did check her blog before making up my mind to start writing my own, and being a lazy girl, read the comments she got instead of reading the posts…..she rocks according to people who commented.
Recently one of my friends also informed me about his blogging space and told me to check out the advertisements for that would help him earn some bucks!(He knew I would never read his long posts) Next I viewed Aamir Khan’s and Amitabh Bachhan’s blog as well(just the home page actually).
So it’s basically the whole new thing that attracted me to start off!
Just like a little kid is excited when he gets his new toy to play with I have got a new “constructive time pass” (yeah that’s what I have named my new activity) blogging! Hope it goes a long way.
Well some …some??? actually many people have been trying their best to inculcate the habit of reading (especially newspapers!) in me. It again happened on 6th July 2008 when I was enjoying a family get together and like always dropped in the topic of how I have created a mess out of my life. My relative started a heavy conversation and asked me where I would like to see myself 5-10 years from now. Now that’s a nice question we all hear very often but I only had a smile to show him that I had no answer. He talked about his cousin who is smart, intelligent and a cool girl who is currently in Kolkatta doing something I do not remember ,and suggested me to start reading her blogs for they are light , funny, informative etc. which he thought would kick start my reading habit. That very instant I thought of starting my own blog to explore my own self rather than wasting time on reading what that girl writes. Now I did check her blog before making up my mind to start writing my own, and being a lazy girl, read the comments she got instead of reading the posts…..she rocks according to people who commented.
Recently one of my friends also informed me about his blogging space and told me to check out the advertisements for that would help him earn some bucks!(He knew I would never read his long posts) Next I viewed Aamir Khan’s and Amitabh Bachhan’s blog as well(just the home page actually).
So it’s basically the whole new thing that attracted me to start off!
Just like a little kid is excited when he gets his new toy to play with I have got a new “constructive time pass” (yeah that’s what I have named my new activity) blogging! Hope it goes a long way.
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