After 6 months I got back to reading a book. With an interesting name Dr Matt gets my award for his words of wisdom scribbled in 55 pages only. He does mention the reason for a small quick book rather than a 20 chapter heavy volume. Dr Matt plays safe by adding 3 footnotes to avoid controversies at promising words like "guarantee" and "doctor". Reading page 25 I found it a waste but it maintains light humor and prevents the book from being monotonous."Just don’t be Russell Crowe, because that would piss me off." Such lines often tickle your funny bone when required and Dr.Matt surely knows how and where to put such additions. A light self help casual book to accompany you on your flight, waiting or cafe lounge or simply for passing time.
Below are the lines in this book which I found worth saving as a notepad file for either they are inspirational or amusing in their own manner.
I’m not saying the people are stupid, I’m saying the focus is stupid.
Knowledge is power, but so is Uranium 235, and you don’t see me carrying
that around with me everywhere I go.
The problem is that really smart people believe that all knowledge is power, and what they don’t factor in is time.
If each piece of knowledge is a potential power source, then it’s power output should be rated, even if it’s only a guess.
• There is a limited amount of knowledge I can gain in one lifetime.
• Each piece of knowledge consumes power.
• Some pieces of knowledge produce more power than others.
• If I don’t use it, some pieces of knowledge may consume more power than they produce.
• By selectively choosing what knowledge I acquire, I will determine if my net power output is a) positive or b) negative.
What is this ridiculous process called?
Science.Scientific method is what was created when we had the answers already but couldn’t prove them.
Put in another way: knowledge is power, but knowledge is not necessarily transformative. To transform you must act.
Sometimes there would be at least one word on a page that was unfamiliar. I quickly learned that it didn’t matter; I still understood the story perfectly. Never was one word so important as to unhinge an entire storyline.
Like I said, if you seek help, make sure that it’s not from a Zod.
How do you know if someone is a Zod? Here are some telltale signs:
• Zods will: use Krypton breath to blow over buses full of innocent people.
Translation: they will unfairly judge others, even when it’s in your favor.
• Zods will:offer to let you live, if you will serve only them.
Translation:they will demand that you owe them for all the “help” they’ve given you.
• Zods will:throw large chunks of debris on top of you
Translation:they will exhaust you with their endless complaining. Again, sometimes that complaining is about what’s happening to you, so don’t mistake this for sympathy. They are really just a Zod.
Time is ever flowing onward, and we are always changing, making new choices. You can’t make the same choice for yourself that you did 20 years ago. You are simply not in the same place.
It’s either sail at the risk of being eaten by cannibals, or do nothing and be assured of death.
You must live your life, you must make the decisions that you must, regardless of risk, regardless of who gets pissed off at you, and regardless of what Zods say to you.
You want to stop having problems? Just stop having them. Stop thinking about them 24/7. Stop telling people you have them. Tell people you have the opposite. Tell yourself you have the opposite.
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